We more than welcome photo submssions to Location Twelve so we've come up with some guidelines to assist you with the process. Simply ensure your scans comply with everything below and we in turn will do our best to make sure your scan is published. Failure to comply will probably mean we won't be able to use your submission.

Firstly, and most importantly, your photo submission must be of some graffiti in the United Kingdom. We do not publish photos of graffiti from anywhere else in the world as there are thousands of other web sites that do this job very effectively.


An ideal specification for your scans would be the following :
  • Scan the whole 6"x4" (or 7"x5", etc) photo with the dpi set to 150. A higher dpi is acceptable, but any lower and the quality of the scan may start to decrease. Check your scanning software help file if your unsure as to how to change this setting.
  • Using a package like Paintshop Pro, Photoshop, Photo Express, etc save the whole scan as a .jpg file with the compression set to no more than 15% (10% is ideal). Again, if your not sure, the default setting is normally 15% so that should be fine.
  • Email your scan(s) to us ...

      dan@graffiti.org or dan@artdeco.demon.co.uk

    The filesize should be around 100k per photo and the pixel size will be around 900x600. We cannot usually use scans with a pixel size less than 600x320.

DO NOT CROP THE SCAN! We will take care of that for you. This is the most common mistake made when sending us scanned submissions.

 >> BAD  •    >> GOOD  •  

There are several other things that you should watch out for that may cause us not to use your scans. Avoid all of these, and your well on your way to having your submission published.

 >> Too blurred  •    >> Distorted by angle  •    >> Too distant  •  
 >> Heavy flash spot  •    >> Missing part of the piece  •    >> Sun/shadow over piece   •  

Should you have a photo that is a bit dark or a bit light, nine times out of ten we can correct that for you. For example this yard shot loses the image detail on the right, but with a few filters we can bring the detail of the letters back out from the darkness :

 >> Too dark on the right  •    >> Adjusted with light filters  •  

Finally, scans of train photos are exempt from the above criteria although they should still be scanned using the guidelines above if at all possible. For join-up and connector shots, either scan each indiviual photo as above and we'll connect it up or scan the whole join-up as if it were one single photo. Again, do not crop your join-up shots!!


On top of all the photos we take ourselves, we get many other submissions. In some cases it may take a while (max 2 months) for us to use your scan, but please don't let that put you off from submitting.

If your photos don't get published - please try again!!