Vision Y2K | 24/12 - 2002

EYEGASM - Ok here we go. I don't think you need any further introduction so instead I'll ask you some other things.
You are painting alot of trains in the stockholm area, but do you also paint walls?

VISION - Yes but if you get busted the fine is higher if you paint walls, so it's not really worth getting busted for it.
Sometimes when it's not possible to paint in the yard I make a station or a wall.

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EYEGASM - Why do you paint trains?

VISION - Everybody who paint trains know the reason why, but it's hard to explain. I like all about it. Scooping, finding new ways to enter the yard, looking for new spots etc. If the train goes out in traffic the day after it feels very good, but it doesn't happen that often in sthlm. Less than 50% gets out in traffic.

EYEGASM - You told me you used to travel alot before but that you don't travel so much anymore, how come?

VISION - I have made 4 interrails and I also was on the road 2 other summers. I've been to some places more then once and I've got to know alot of people. You always want to see new things and right now I wanna go further then Europe. To get there you need cash so therefore I don't travel anywhere right now. New York wouldn't be that wrong to visit, that's my new goal.

EYEGASM - Why New York?

VISION - To see the red subway rolling over a bridge with your panel on it would be the ultimate.
Before the year 2000 the y2k thing was something we talked about., that all computers would crach on newyears eve etc.
During that time more and more witers got online and started to know eachother there instead of meeting eachother like it used to be. On interrails more and more ppl meet up. They get your number from other guys via internet etc. We hoped the internet would crash year 2000 so the interrails would be easier. Not so many other writers would be around if it wasn't for the internet. The writers would have had to get to know ppl they way we used to do. It's through my trips I've gotten to know the other y2k's.

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EYEGASM - What is other countries like compared to sweden, trainwise that is?

VISION - If you wanna scoop 4 layups in sthlm you have to spend hours travelling around. They are so spread out.
In big cities like Berlin there are almost layups between every station so you don't have to travel so much to get there.
You can always get something done. In sthlm if you go out to one of the layups far away and the Falcks are there, then your night is ruined. Another disturbing thing is that iIf the Falcks know what your car looks like they will follow you if they see you driving around. Then that night is spolied too. There is not much left to do then to go home. The same thing is if you're out drinking and the Falcks see you on the street. They will follow you.

EYEGASM - Falck security is well known in Stockholm. How do you do in order to be one step ahead of them all the time?

VISION - After a while you recognize some of the Falcks and their cars. Sometimes I meet them on certain times in layups or downtown. Once I saw them on Seven Eleven taking a coffee just by coincidence. I then understood they normally have a break during that time. I try to figure their work schedule out. They are smart offcourse but sometimes you can see a pattern in what they are doing. For example when I see them in a certain layup at the same time two days in a row for example. Right now it seems they've hired a new team that don't have a clue about anything. We painted a window down and got chased, they ran after us so me and my friend went into a supermarket. The falcks were just behind us and they came in there too. I met a female friend in the supermarket who was out shopping. I stood next to my friend and talked to her while I watched the falcks go around looking for us. They were only a few meeters away but they didn't recognize me. Sometimes they walk up to you in the street just to fuck with you. They want me to know that they know but every now and then I meet those who don't have a clue.

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EYEGASM - Your style is simple but original. What is your thoughts about style in general?

VISION - For me style is important. I go by the feeling and do what is fun. If you see someones style that is original, and you recognize it even if the writer writes another name. Then I think it's cool. It's personal. Fher for example has a personal style. He's dope.

EYEGASM - Stockholm is a city with lots of people painting trains. How do you keep track of what has been painted and where?

VISION - It's impossible to keep track of it. I know most the people who are doing trains exept for the newcomers. Even though we try to keep our hits secret we still tell some people what we did last week for example. Honesty is important. It's us agains Falck so to keep the hits secret is pretty stupid. Unfortunately everybody can't get along in this game so we try to keep it secret. there are no actual beefs but some groups keep a distance from one and another. The trainscene itself is quite small. There are alot of trains getting painted but it's being done by a small group of people. In sthlm there are subwaywriters and commuterwriters. I'm a commuterwriter but i make some subways too ofcourse. The only visible gap is when commuterwriters find out how to paint a subwayyard or the other way around. You've got to give and take. If I bring some subwaywriters to the commuters, show them my spots, it's normal the those guys give something back later. If you're a writer in sthlm with no knowledge about anything and just follow others to spots it leads nowhere. You learn nothing. You have to know shit to have places to bring ppl to, then they will also bring you to their spots.

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EYEGASM - Do you have any favourite writers?

VISION - Keger is the best, he has it in his veins. It looks so playful and yet there is nothing in his pieces that shouldn't be there.Even his throwups and tags look really nice.He's got flow in his style. Lately I've started to like Chob/the. I saw a special about him in a magazine lately and he's dope. It differs but sometimes you see a new style you dig.One I've always liked is Relax/khc.

EYEGASM - Can you tell us about anyting funny that happened in the yard?

VISION - Strange things happen all the time:)

EYEGASM - Ok I think we got what we need now. Have you got any last words?

VISION - Shoutouts to the Y2K crew in Germany and Finland who hates the internet so I don't think they will read this:)And to all the writers I know. Those who know, they know.