Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...(12/28/97)

First off, let me extend my apologies to everyone out there that has been checking the site on the regular only to be dissapointed with no new updates since the summer. I've been insanely busy the past few months, and even though there are dozens of people who repeatedly ask me to update the site, I just haven't been able to get around to it. Again, sorry about this, and hopefully in the future I'll be able to work on the site more often. Anyway, within the next week or two (I'll be busy with the ICF New Years Bash in Manhattan and the after-party in Atlantic City for the next few days), I plan on doing all the updates that should have been done the past few months.. This includes about fifty new flicks, including several from new ICF members not yet seen on the web. Believe me, everything up is garbage compared to the new shit. I'll also be increasing the content in some of the other areas on the page (Hip-Hop, Written Words, Links, etc.). There will be major changes throughout the month of January. The virtual lounge seems to be working fine, if anyone has problems with it, please drop us some email. We're going to pick a time sometime in the next month where myself, Jugs, and NZ will be online to chat with whoever is out there. We'll let everyone know at least a week in advance. We've been getting more surveys than ever, and believe me, we really appreciate it. Anyways, that's about it. I hope everyone had a good year, and remember, 97 was just practice for 98.
